Friday, January 25, 2013

Overlooking Beauty

Don't Blink, You Might Miss It

What if we're missing it? What if we are spending all our time looking for normal beauty, when all the while there is unusual beauty waiting to be discovered? Or even worse, what if we are too busy to see the beautiful things in life at all? I know at times I am guilty of the last one. We're human, we get busy, stressed, discouraged, and burned out. When those emotions come in to play it is so easy to forget that life isn't all bad. They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Most people reference that phrase to people's physical appearance, but I'm not concerned with that right now. Today I challenge you to find beauty in your life. Something abnormal, something that others might overlook, something that you have been missing. When you find it soak it in, be aware of the way it makes you feel. For me, when nature provides me with an unusual beauty I am flooded with a feeling of peace...or even deeper, contentment. In that moment I am calm. That's one of my secrets to sanity, find your beauty. I encourage you to come back here and let me know what you found and how you felt. Just remember this, life can only be beautiful if you are open to looking for it. Beauty doesn't fall in your lap, it's discovered. Have a wonderful Friday! -J

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